Deluxe Rooms
Deluxe room on the main floor with queen-size bed, wood-burning fireplace and shower.
This deluxe room is located in the center part of the house facing east, in appealing shades of blue, green, and mauve are echoed in pastel floral print on white background wallpaper.
CarrigaIn features a Queen-size Eastlake Victorian bed. The room is high ceilinged and has doors on either side leading to small individual decks. These give the room additional light to that from the two windows as well as providing some outdoor space in the good weather. There are two wing back chairs to encourage a cozy read in front of the fire. The bathroom has a tiled shower.
B&B Rates for Two:
Daily – $199 | Holiday/Foliage – $275
Add Notchland’s four-course dinner for $52 per person
Click to check Availability online, then give us a call.
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Midweek Extended Stay Package:
Save up to $45 per night. Plan your midweek visit from two to five nights and SAVE!
Click to check Availability online, then call us at 800-866-6131 for the best rates.