Directions from Maine Coast (Portland or South)
This map above is presented as an immediate guide to show you the location of Notchland in relation to some of the more popular travel routes. This Google Maps Link will also help you find us from your location, but please be aware of online map directions.
When traveling from the Maine Coast (Portland or South) …
Take Route 95 North toward Portland.
At Exit 48 (formerly Exit 8 – Riverside Street) continue onto Route 25 West.
Stay on to Route 113, just north of Standish.
Take 113 North to Fryeburg where it meets Route 302.
Get on Route 302 West into New Hampshire. In North Conway, Route 302 and Route 16 become the same road. Continue through North Conway and Intervale into Glen. At Glen, there is a traffic light, and Route 16 turns off to the right.
You should stay on 302, going forward. Continue past the Attitash Ski Area and into Bartlett village. In the center of Bartlett village, at Bear Notch Road, there is a traffic blinker. Continue forward past the blinker for about 5½ more miles. This will take you into the National Forest. Don’t be fooled, Notchland is surrounded by the forest. Watch for our sign (pictured right) at the end of our drive. We are the big granite building on the left, up the hillside.
Our Physical Location:
2 Morey Road
Hart’s Location, New Hampshire 03812
GPS Coordinates:
N 44° 06′ 55″ W 71° 21′ 20”
Turn when you see our sign at the entrance to Notchland Inn.