Notchland Inn Recipes
(serves 8 – 10)
Notchland’s twist on a classic dessert.
12 Apples – peeled, cored & sliced
(for taste & texture 2 types of baking apples are good;
Chef Ed likes Grannie Smiths and Macs)
3 tablespoons Granulated Sugar
1 teaspoon Cinnamon
3/4 cup Flour
2 cups Oats (or Nuts, optional)
2 teaspoons Baking Powder
2 teaspoons Salt
6 tablespoons cold Unsalted Butter
1/3 cup Granulated Sugar
2 cups Brown Sugar
Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
Spray your baking pan (9 x 9); toss the apples with the cinnamon and sugar and place in the bottom of the pan.
Combine all the topping ingredients in a food processor and pulse until combined and holding together in pea-sized lumps. Pour this over the cinnamon apples. Place baking pan on a larger sheet pan that is covered with foil, parchment or a baking sheet for easy cleanup in the case of a bubble over.
Bake for approximately 40 minutes, until bubbly, golden and when the apples feel soft to the probing of a fork or a cake tester. Serve warm or at room temperature plain, topped with ice cream, or whipped cream dusted with cinnamon and sugar.
NOTE: Don’t be tempted to add more sugar to the apples if they seem tart. There is just enough sweet in the topping to go around!
Ingredients may be divided into oven-proof ramekins for individual servings. These may be prepared and refrigerated to bake and serve warm when ready.
You can also substitute most any fruit in season for apples, or mix and match. Substitute some of the apples with pears and cranberries for a different taste.
Apple Crisp
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